Mango Puree Concentrate 28 Brix (MAPC28N-0001-DR00) in Drums

- Product Mango Puree Concentrate 28 Brix in Drums
- Legacy Product Code MAPC02801
- New Product Code MAPC28N-0001-DR00
- Ingredient Statement Mango Puree Concentrate
- Brix (Direct at 20º C) 28.50 +/- 1.50
- Acidity 0.85 +/- 0.45 as Citric
- pH 3.10 - 4.60
- Specific Gravity 1.11493 - 1.12931
- Concentration at single strength 13 Brix
- Reconstitution 1 part Mango Puree Concentrate 28 Brix plus 1.29 parts water
- Weight Per Gallon 9.34 lb. per gallon
- Packaging Aseptic Bag in Drum
- Optimal Storage Refrigerated
Recommended Shelf Life (Days)*
Refrigerated (38° F) 730Ambient (70° F) 365Comments Freezing may cause expansion and may break the aseptic seal. ONCE OPENED, STORE FROZEN ! (540 days)
Yeast < 100Mold < 100Total Plate Count < 1000